Paper Summary

Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) can create on an inaccurate model as a result of cycle skipping, if the initial model is not close enough to the true one, or there is insufficient low frequencies in the data. Furthermore, FWI model updates can be affected by a reflectivity imprint prior to the resolution of long-wavelength features. Imaging with the resulting incorrect model will create structural uncertainty, and will hamper an evaluation of potential prospects. Cycle skipping can be mitigated by using a robust norm for measuring the data misfit (W2-norm), instead of a traditional L2-norm. Used with a velocity gradient that removes the imprint of the reflectivity, we demonstrate an application to data resolving a high-velocity layer that was not present in the initial model. Corroborated by well data, the resulting earth model accurately reflects the subsurface, which, in turn, reduces uncertainty in the final structural image.