Paper Summary
It is well known that surface-related multiple elimination (SRME) breaks down when applied to shallow water datasets. The prediction is distorted at the reconstruction stage by the NMO stretch of the seabed, progressing to the loss of seabed information beyond the critical distance. Furthermore, the adaptive subtraction (multiple elimination) struggles when several orders of the predicted short period reverberation are present, within a given design window for minimization, as the predicted amplitude (and phase) between multiple orders from a single convolution of the data with itself are incorrect. This abstract describes a novel seabed modelled SRME approach with regards to predicting simultaneously and non-iteratively both the amplitude and phase of simple and pegleg source and receiver-side sea layer reverberation correctly with minimal distortion for moderately undulating shallow seabeds. Using a shallow water dataset from the Central North Sea, it is demonstrated that the 3D approach can replace more limited 1D ?-p shot-based deterministic multiple prediction techniques to form part of a multi-model multiple prediction strategy that includes iterative SRME where appropriate.