Sustainability Mitigations for Suppliers and Vendors

Supply chain management is critical to our success. Our Supplier Code of Conduct and related policies ensure our supply chain understands our priorities. We expect our suppliers to incorporate similar priorities and practices related to (i) business and ethics integrity, (ii) health, safety and the environment and (iii) labor and human rights into its operations. We work with partners and third parties to stress the importance of operating sustainably, ethically and in compliance with the law and our policies.


Supplier Code of Conduct

In accordance with our Code of Conduct and Statement of Values, our suppliers, vendors, and contractors should uphold the highest standard of business ethics, transparency and sustainability and be committed to the principles set forth below.

View the TGS Supplier Code of Conduct >

TGS Policies

TGS has set the following workforce policies to establish best practices for acceptable guidelines at our business.