Environmental policies, actions and efforts

We believe that our multi-client business model not only benefits customers commercially but also is a more sustainable, environmentally friendly business model than the alternative of proprietary acquisition. We remain committed to understanding the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in its operations and finding ways to reduce its impact as well as minimizing and mitigating the impact that our activities have on the marine and land environments and communities around them.


Environmental Policy

TGS is committed to protecting the environment in which we live and work while also conducting our operations in an environmentally sustainable and responsible manner. We strive to lead the industry in minimizing our impact globally and with our partners.

View our QHSSE Policy >

Climate Risks & Opportunities

In 2020, TGS continued to incorporate climate risk into its business and operational strategy by using the “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures” (TCFD, set up by the Financial Stability Board) so that it can address the financial impacts of climate risks and opportunities.

Project Emissions

In 2019, TGS began tracking Scope 3 emissions generated through our seismic operations as a result of our contractors providing a variety of field services via vessels, land crews and their equipment, and aircrafts for the acquisition of seismic data.

View 2021 Project Emissions >

View 2020 Project Emissions >

View 2019 Project Emissions >


Keeping Our Impact Low

TGS is an office-based company that does not operate or own vessels, manufacturing plants or factories. Nevertheless, TGS is committed to working towards understanding the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in all its operations and finding ways to reduce its impact.

Looking Forward

In 2022, TGS will continue its efforts to minimize its climate and environmental impact. TGS has set the target of ensuring its Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions remain below the 2020 baseline levels and to achieve its overall goal of Net Zero in Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030. TGS will aim to complete its climate scenario analysis and publish a summary of its findings and continue its collaboration with the industry to develop unified carbon accounting standards for seismic operations.

The Company will continue with several key initiatives in its marine operations and ensure that its marine contractors abide by TGS’ environmental standards, including requiring participation in EnerGeo’s Ghost Net Initiative (GNI) for marine acquisition projects, aiming for zero reportable spills and unplanned releases to the marine environment during seismic vessel operations, and require each chartered vessel undergo an IMCA/OVID audit within six months of hire, and every twelve months thereafter.

With respect to its land operations, all land contractors will continue to be required to report all spills to TGS, regardless of quantity spilled, with the aim of no reportable spills to the environment and to contain and properly clean up all spills, regardless of how much was spilled. TGS will require documented audits of field equipment and HSE procedures for all new surveys to ensure that all equipment is in proper working order and that HSE procedures adequately mitigate potential environmental impacts.