Post Well Analysis (PWA)
For the geoscientist who needs regional subsurface knowledge, our multi-disciplinary Geoscience Interpretation group has consistently delivered best-in-class multi-client, basin-wide studies to the industry for over 20 years to reduce the risk, time and cost of the exploration-cycle. We combine unparalleled volumes of well and seismic data with geological experience to provide our clients with trusted, high-quality solutions.
Helping to Define Prospectivity and Understand Exploration Risk
Our Post Well Analysis provides an understanding of hydrocarbon potential and risks through the provision of historical analogs. Exploration successes occur only when all critical factors, reservoir, seal, source and charge, are present.
Post-Drill Analysis
We conduct a post-drill analysis of exploration and appraisal wells. For each prospective level, irrespective of what was the primary target of the well, the analysis considers reservoir presence and quality, whether top seal and fault/side seal were effective, whether there was a valid trap, and finally, if the trap could have been charged.
All TGS PWA studies use all available data sources, including:
- Composite logs
- Seismic data
- Our internal detailed geological, petrophysical and geophysical analysis collated in a geodatabase and delivered as a plug-in to TGS Facies Map Browser (FMB) or as a stand-alone product in ESRI ArcGIS
- Barents Sea
- Gulf of Mexico
- East Canada