Flexible Source Solutions for Targeted Survey Applications

The signal sent into the earth can affect the quality of the result as much as the method of recording.

TGS source arrays use stiff sub-array floats with two RGPS positioning towers for accurate source positioning. Lateral source locations are controlled to within ±40 m, using a unique source-steering mechanism and deployment of wide-tow multi-source configurations is also stable.

Source controllers allow each source element to be independently triggered and recorded by unique near-field hydrophones. The emitted source wavefields are precisely sampled and can be operated with extremely low sound levels in environmentally sensitive locations.

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Multi-Source Solutions

Near-offset distribution becomes more uniform with wide-tow multi-source acquisition. The resolution and seismic image quality of shallow geology is correspondingly improved.

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Steerable Sources

All TGS seismic vessels are equipped with steerable source sub-arrays. These minimize lateral deviations in source position and create better-conditioned 4D baseline and monitor surveys.



Continuous sources recording for reduced sound levels.

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