Facies Map Browser (FMB)
A best-in-class standardized & interpreted well dataset that allows geoscientists to understand regional and field subsurface stratigraphy and the depositional environment. All data is delivered via proprietary cloud-based software.
Facies Map Browser
The Facies Map Browser (FMB) provides access to comprehensive, well-based stratigraphic interpretation and sequence-constrained facies maps. Evolved over 20 years and updated regularly, the FMB is established as an invaluable resource that provides the most current subsurface data and expert geologic knowledge to accelerate regional hydrocarbon and carbon storage assessment.
Geographic Areas for FMB
FMB well and map datasets are delivered via our cloud-based proprietary software, allowing users to query and visualize interpreted wells and facies maps and quick access to source data and a regional cross-border stratigraphic framework.
- Northwest Europe
- East Coast India
- Indonesia - East Java
- East Coast Canada
- Offshore Brazil
- Mexico
- Australia NW Shelf
- Interpreted Borehole Stratigraphy (Chrono-, Litho-, and Sequence)
- Gross Depositional Facies & Environment Maps
- Interpreted Lithology with Cement and Modifiers
- Environment of Deposition
- Associated Depositional Facies
- Paleo-bathymetry
- Conditioned Wireline Logs (GR, DT, DTS, NPHI, RHOB, ILD, SP and CAL)
- Mud Gas Chromatograph Logs (C1-C5 & Total Gas)
- Deviation Surveys
- Calibrated Time-Depth Pairs and Synthetics
- Hydrocarbon Shows
- Geochemical Data
- Biostratigraphy
- Core & Casing Depths
- Core Analysis Data: Porosity, Permeability and Saturation
Some FMB data deliverables are region-specific

Benefits of FMB
Our customers employ the FMB to understand basin and paleoenvironment evolution, streamlining license applications and exploration risk reduction by integrating comprehensive geological and seismic data. This facilitates efficient decision-making in hydrocarbon exploration, asset evaluation and environmental projects.
To fast-track understanding of regional basin and paleoenvironment evolution based on trusted data; a robust interpretation that uses industry-recognized best-practice methods that integrate well data, biostratigraphy, core and an extensive modern seismic database.
To complete license round applications efficiently, support asset evaluations, hydrocarbon exploration and development, and evaluate carbon capture and storage sites.
To reduce exploration risk through the delineation source, seal and reservoir facies for use in predictive exploration to develop play concepts and mature prospects, shortening the exploration cycle time.
A cross-basin harmonized stratigraphic framework, and nomenclature are ideal for cross-border exploration and improve communication in license group discussions.
Up-to-date geological insight; updated regularly with newly released E&A wells, new data types, interpretation upgrades and functionality enhancements.
A Robust Visualization Application
FMB data is delivered in an easy-to-use cloud-based software, which includes a suite of integrated tools that allow the user to perform a range of visualization, manipulation, data analysis techniques, and exports.
The application includes:
- Map Viewer - The interactive viewer for GDE and facies maps and tools for spatial data analysis of FMB data.
- Well Viewer - Enables well data visualization in Single-well, Multi-Well (with the ability to correlate), and Geological Age (Wheeler) views.
- Search & Export Manager - It is an easy way to mine the database, create custom queries, and export data in industry-standard formats directly from the FMB database.

FMB Connect Web Services (API)
Use FMB Connect web services to incorporate FMB well and map data seamlessly into your workflows, applications and databases.
- Integrate FMB well and map data with your internal systems to automate data management processes.
- Optimize productivity with data integration across applications and access to up-to-date data for decision-making and technical evaluation.
- Integrate TGS data with proprietary and other 3rd party data to optimize workflows.
FMB Loaded to Petrel
Streamline data management workflows by leveraging our preloaded Petrel E&P software projects, including all the well-based FMB deliverables.
Access Data on the Go
The FMB cloud app offers a new user experience that redefines how users interact with this best-in-class standardized and interpreted well dataset. The cloud-based architecture provides users with a flexible and convenient platform to access critical subsurface data from anywhere, including mobile and tablet devices.