There is a growing need for ultra-high resolution 3D seismic data in pre-installation site surveys for wind farms, where a detailed understanding of the properties of the upper 100 m or so of the subsurface is required to safely position and install wind turbines.
Traditionally, site surveys for wind farms have been acquired using a grid of UHR 2D seismic lines. However, this approach presents several pitfalls when shallow geology is complex. High interpretation uncertainty makes it challenging to predict hazards confidently due to the limited spatial coverage of the 2D lines and the risk of false structure caused by out-of-plane reflections. Interpolation may be required to link seismic lines to geotechnical data for calibration. If hazards are identified and the turbine locations must be moved, this can necessitate a complete re-shoot of the 2D survey, increasing cost and development time.
These challenges are driving wind farm operators to consider UHR3D seismic as an alternative. By collecting a UHR3D survey in the first instance, the developers can be confident that they will meet the geophysical requirements for the development program. Although the cost of a 3D survey may be higher than 2D, the need for costly 2D re-shoots is avoided. Subsurface imaging is also much more robust, and planners can identify hazards more confidently. Geophysical and geotechnical measurements coincident in space allow better calibration and quantitative interpretation of subsurface properties, which opens the possibility of using inversion, rock physics, or machine learning approaches to derive the subsurface engineering properties of interest.
Finally, combining the acquisition of UHR3D P-cable with multiphysics measurements such as multibeam bathymetry, side-scan and synthetic-aperture sonar, and magnetic data can achieve a one-and-done site survey more efficiently and at a lower cost.