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  • Wind

4C Offshore ForeSEE

Access offshore wind intelligence services and support provided by a team of subject matter experts.

renewables, new energy, offshore wind, 4COffshore, Foresee, 4CO, Wind, cables, turbines, interconnectors, lease, windfarm, wind farm, GIS, Map
  • AI
  • Machine Learning
  • Well Data

ARLAS on Demand

Use and test TGS machine learning algorithms to convert standard LAS into an analytics LAS dataset.

wells, log, algorithm, Machine Learning, prediction, gamma, resistivity, density, neutron, sonic, triple combo, quad combo, curve, LAS, ARLAS, oil, gas, AI, ML, artificial intelligence, synthetic, GR
  • Data Library
  • Carbon Storage

Carbon AXIOM

Carbon AXIOM delivers a screening of CO2 storage sites based on your needs. It leverages TGS’s expansive subsurface and well performance data to analyze AND identify where to feasibly store CO2 and proximity to emitters.

renewables, new energy, carbon, gulf coast, storage, atlas, carbon storage, Texas, TX, Louisiana, LA, CCS, CCUS, Depleted Reservoir, US, USA, Atlas, Axiom
  • Data Library

Data Lake

Query, visualize, analyze and gain insights into TGS data and licensed data through APIs.

Data, data lake, Analytics, management, API, library
  • Data Library
  • Minerals

Deep Sea Minerals Pathfinder

Explore and identify the locations of active and inactive hydrothermal vents.

ore, lithium, copper, cobalt, zinc, rare earth minerals, (REE), Neodymium, Dysprosium, deep sea, pathfinder, minerals, Manganese, exploration, environment, hydrothermal vents
  • Interpretation

Facies Map Browser

Explore extensive interpreted well data sets and paleoenvironment maps

FMB, facies map browser, facies, map, formation, sequence, stratigraphic, petrophysics, API, wells, well, logs, core, interpretation, environment, wellbore, webservices.
  • Interpretation

FMB Connect

Connect to the Facies Map Browser interpreted well and map datasets via API webservices to optimize subsurface workflows.

FMB, facies map browser, facies, map, formation, sequence, stratigraphic, petrophysics, API, wells, well, logs, core, interpretation, environment, wellbore, webservices.
  • Well Data


Search, visualize, and export well data into standardized industry formats.

well, lease, production, forecast, allocation, completions, vent, flare, permits, database, data, decline curve, regression, analysis, export, injection data, Longbow, Surface Locations, Directional Surveys, EUR, Wellbore, frac, oil, gas, well data, well spots, exploration, well performance, analytics, E&P, benchmark
  • Data Library
  • Geothermal

Geothermal Pathfinder

Visualize temperatures at relevant stratigraphic units and depths.

geothermal, basin, temperature, power plants, cross section, renewables, new energy, pathfinder, BTM, NES, gradient
  • Seismic
  • Data Library
  • Imaging


Browse TGS' full seismic data library and access licensed data.

projects, seismic, survey, map, entitlement, spec sheets, shapefiles, area, mytgs,
  • Seismic
  • Data Library
  • Imaging

myTGS Projects

Collaborate with TGS and track projects in progress.

projects, area, TGS Projects, project status, multi-client projects, proprietary projects, sharepoint,
  • Data Library
  • Well Data

R360: Buy Logs

Search for and purchase geological data in the world's largest well log database.

Well, Wells, Log, Logs, Well Logs, LAS, LAS+, PI Logs, Lithology, Mud Logs, Edited Sonic, Log Image, Raster, ARLAS validated well header, directional survey, gamma, resistivity, density, neutron, sonic, triple combo, quad combo, R360, permits, petrophysics, Tops, Surface Locations, Well Reports, Well Documents, Wellbore, oil, gas
  • Seismic
  • Interpretation
  • AI


Detect salt during velocity model building seismic processing.

salt, velocity model building, seismic, processing, ML, machine learning, detect salt, Saltnet, algorithm
  • Well Data

Well Data Analytics

Benchmark, predict, and optimize well performance through easy-to-use, configurable visualizations and analytics.

Production, Well, Performance, Well Performance, Data, Analytics, Completion, Benchmark, Permits, Vent, Flare, ESG
  • Data Library
  • Wind


Explore offshore wind models and observational data to generate insights for offshore wind farm analysis.

renewables, new energy, wind, farm, atlas, NWP, Wind Model, Numerical Weather Prediction Model, Lidar, Flidar, buoy, 4COffshore, Foresee, 4CO, lease, windfarm, wind farm, axiom