This is TGS

We are a leading energy data and intelligence company known for its asset-smart, multi-client business model and global data collection.


We are the World's Leading Energy Data Company

We employ nearly 1,000 employees, with our corporate headquarters in Oslo, Norway, and our operational headquarters in Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Our other main offices are in the UK, Brazil and Perth, with additional employees located in other cities around the globe. Our stock is traded on the Oslo Stock Exchange and is part of the OBX Index of the 25 most liquid shares on the exchange.

Our primary business provides energy data and intelligence to companies and investors across energy markets. We offer the world’s largest global energy data library, including seismic data, magnetic and gravity data, multi-beam and coring, digital well log and production data, wind energy data, data to identify CCS opportunities, and other types of renewable data. And, with the recent acquisition of Magseis Fairfield, we are now also the world’s leading OBN provider. In addition, we also offer specialized services such as advanced processing and analytics, data management and cloud-based data applications and solutions.

Our Vision

To shape the future of energy through innovative data solutions and intelligence.

Our Mission

To provide the right data and intelligence at the right time for society’s evolving energy needs.

The Value We Offer

We aim to provide deep insights and understanding to support society’s evolving energy needs. Across the energy spectrum, through innovation and data-driven solutions, we utilize diverse data sources, including our own, to create value-driven insights that enable our customers to make the right decisions.

Our Values


We are responsible to our customers

Two things differentiate us: quality products and world class customer service. Quality is our trademark. We will constantly strive to understand customer expectations and meet those expectations, both promptly and profitably. Our commitment to quality must be apparent in every product and service we sell. Service to our customers, whether internal or external, must be accurate, timely and friendly.


Our single greatest asset is our employee base

We respect the dignity and recognize the merit of each and every employee. We will provide competent management, so our employees have the opportunity to achieve excellence in a safe and healthy working environment every day. We will provide equal opportunity for employment, development and advancement for those qualified. We expect the highest levels of personal conduct from our entire staff, regardless of position. Honesty, integrity, and fairness form the cornerstones of relationships inside and outside the Company.


We are responsible to our communities 

We will be good citizens supporting good works and charities. We do not knowingly support any public or private organization that espouses discriminatory policies or practices. We encourage civic improvements and better health, safety and education. We support the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the property we are privileged to use, while protecting the environment and natural resources.


We are responsible to our shareholders

Our business must make a profit. Growth is fundamental to our success. We will continue to expand our product and service offerings to the benefit of future shareholder value. When we operate according to these principles, the shareholders should realize a fair return.

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Our Competitive Advantages


At TGS we operate with an asset smart model. We adapt our data acquisition approach, outsourcing to third parties or handling it internally, to select the most suitable vendors and technologies for imaging and intelligence challenges. This approach reduces overhead costs and maintains stability throughout industry cycles.

Quality Processing

While acquisition is outsourced, we process the data in-house. This is how we ensure our customers get the highest quality seismic data. To learn more about our processing services, click here.


TGS is committed to a sustainable future. To review our position on transparency, people and operations, and review our most recent ESG report card, click here.

ROI Discipline

TGS typically targets projects that will earn sales returns between 2 and 2.5 times the investment. On projects with lower targeted returns, we require high levels of pre-funding to keep the investment attractive. 

Renowned Data Collection

TGS has one of the largest and best performing multi-client data libraries in the world. We utilize this data resource both as an ongoing revenue stream and to leverage unique insight using data analytics techniques. In addition, we are committed to developing platforms to enhance data accessibility and empower business decisions

Active Portfolio Management

The multi-client business is a portfolio business. Some projects may underperform and others exceed expectations. A 3D project is a significant financial undertaking, and TGS has the means to invest in a broad portfolio of projects to balance risks and rewards.

Geographic Diversity

TGS has a truly global data collection with a diverse range of data types to serve the expanding needs of the energy industry. We strive to build and maintain leadership positions around the world. Our oil and gas data covers a wide variety of exploration plays including deepwater, pre-salt geologies, the Arctic and North America onshore. Our New Energy data and solutions support the evolving energy transition efforts across the globe. This diversity gives us significant stability and business continuity in the face of shifting markets, regional economic strain and geopolitical challenges.

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Superior Team

Our most important competitive advantage comes from our people. The outstanding work of our team, from data scientists to geoscientists, has made TGS the world’s leading energy data provider. Our people are the reason TGS delivers superior project quality and financial performance, year after year.

Strategic Acquisitions

While most of our growth has been organic, we have also expanded our business through acquisitions. These opportunities have allowed us to add data processing capabilities and new geoscience data types to our library. TGS will also purchase other multi-client libraries when the price is attractive and where we see strong potential returns.

Core Product Lines